Ian Wright

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

From NYC Ian Wright tells all...

Describe your theme in 5 words ...
Hand  / Made  / Lo - Fi /Plastic /  Symmetry

From where do you draw your inspiration? 
Digging out my old set of Hama Beads to reflect the  'Made' qualities of the characters ..

Why did you choose to showcase your work in partnership with a global brand like PlayStation?
Simply, I was fortunate enough to be asked ...... !

What’s it like seeing your work fully digitised on The Studio?
Refreshing! I Animation was always an area I've found exciting, but a little elusive to my own work.
I always hoped a project would come up where I would be able to play .......

How did you adapt your work – in terms of both the feel of The Studio space and the physical parameters of PlayStation’s XrossMediaBar (XMB)?
By creating a little analogue world that I hoped would cross both divides. I think by making little stop motion films I sidestepped my own preconceptions on how I would proceed - onto the next one!

The worlds of gaming and art have grown closer and closer over the years – how do you think they fit together and how do you see the relationship progressing?
They exist in parallel worlds, sharing a love of image with a fast turnover, reacting to and feeding off current ideas and technology. Expertise on both sides could be shared and developed, definitely happening as I write ..... As to the future ????

If you could have created any video game throughout history, what would it be?
No idea ...

If you could turn a PlayStation into a piece of art/design, what would you do with it?
I'd make sure it was kept exactly as it is .....

What’s your favourite video game?
Super Mario Land - I had one of the old Gameboys ....