Michael Gillette

Monday, 16 January 2012

The talented Mr Michael Gillette, him of Amphenge fame joins us today to talk inspiration, 3d worlds and BBC computers!

Describe your theme in 5 words...
Goes up to Eleven

From where do you draw your inspiration?  
The Spirit of Rock(s).

Why did you choose to showcase your work in partnership with a global brand like PlayStation?
It was a great opportunity to create a world I've long since dreamt of.

What’s it like seeing your work fully digitised on The Studio?

How did you adapt your work – in terms of both the feel of The Studio space and the physical parameters of PlayStation’s XrossMediaBar (XMB)?
It was wonderful to take a flat image and have it realised in such a beautiful 3D world. It took a lot of work on both mine and The Studio's part but was time very well spent.

The worlds of gaming and art have grown closer and closer over the years – how do you think they fit together and how do you see the relationship progressing?
As a forum for visuals it's now absolutely on par with any other outlet. So the opportunities for creating wonderful new worlds are endless. 

If you could have created any video game throughout history, what would it be?

If you could turn a PlayStation into a piece of art/design, what would you do with it?
I think a Coffin would have a lot of takers. 

What’s your favourite video game?
I grew up loading games on to a BBC B computer from cassette tapes (ask your Grandad) and I've always loved Defender. Shoot everything is about my sophistication level.